5 Performance Enhancing Essential Oils For Athletes

5 Performance Enhancing Essential Oils For Athletes

Bear with me, you may find this as a good excuse to go buy more candles.

Essential oils have been around for decades. They have been used for healing, therapy, and more. This is not a magic supplement that will immediately enhance your performance, skills, strength, and appearance, but they do have some positive outcomes to them.

Here is a list of 5 basic oils you can use and diffuse to enhance your daily performance:

  1. Peppermint – This is a great go to oil on the daily. Peppermint is used to boost focus and concentration. It is also used for improving mental function, reducing stress, ridding headaches, and alleviating muscle pain. Plus, it smells great. 

  2. Lavender – Lavender is a great stress reliver, especially at night. It helps reduce anxious feelings and aids in sleeping better. This is perfect for diffusing at night to sleep better and fall asleep faster.

  3. Orange – Orange is used primarily for an extra boost of energy and to stay motivated. Orange is also high in antioxidants and can aid in anxiety, depression, weight loss, and pain relief.

  4. Lemon – Lemon naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion. It also helps support respiratory functions. 

  5. Eucalyptus – This is one of my personal favorites. As we all most likely know, this is great for reducing stress. Eucalyptus also aids in relieving cold symptoms, reducing pain, and cleaning up scrapes and cuts. 

Enjoy using them for the scent and potential benefits. I recommend getting a diffuser from a local store like Walmart or Target, even Amazon online if you do not want to travel. You fill the diffuser with water then let a few drops of the oil in, turn it on, and away you go.

Please read all labels about digesting oils as well, some are not safe to digest and others are safe in small doses. Do your research before putting anything into your body. Now, go have fun and destress with some lavender you bomb athlete you.

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